INVITATION: Joint ET Industrial Advisory Board
DATE: 08 October 2021 | 09:30 – 14:00
LOCATION: Interface Entreprises – ULiège, Belgium
We have the pleasure to invite you to our second joint ET Industrial Advisory Board, that will be organized face-to-face on October 8 2021 from 9:30 am till 14:00 pm, at the Interface Entreprises – ULiège, Belgium, lunch included.
The scientific partners of both E-TEST and ETpathfinder as well as the business development partners of ET2SMEs are joining force to meet and collaborate with all companies active in the fields of activity required by the Einstein Telescope.
The Industrial Advisory Board is organized jointly by the 3 projects, and is dedicate to all Belgian, Dutch & German businesses (Spin-Offs, SMEs and large companies) active in the fields of technologies required by the Einstein Telescope as well for the Instruments than for all the Geology aspects.
Are also warmly invited: EMR Business Development Agencies, clusters of competitiveness, sectorial agencies, ….as well as regional Authorities involved in the possible implementation of Einstein Telescope in EMR and all its economic and social impact.
- The registration is mandatory while free of charge
- The general/common part of the meeting will be recorded, published on the project websites and sent to all participants
- The content of the 6 working groups won’t be recorded
Time | Activity |
08:45 | Registration, check of Sanitary Pass and Welcome coffee |
09:30 | Welcome and general session o WHY: Purpose of the joint ET Industrial Advisory Board? o WHO: To who is it dedicated? o HOW: What are the conditions to participate? o WHEN: Frequency of the meeting Short project presentations & latest achievements: o Einstein Telescope (ET) project and ESFRI Call time-line o E-TEST : Einstein Telescope Site and Technology – 01.02.2020 – 31.07.2023 o ETpathfinder, R&D Laboratory – 03.06.2019 – 02.06.2022 o ET2SMEs – 01.03.2021 – 31.08.2023 “Maximising the economic and social impact of the possible implementation of the Einstein Telescope in Euregio Meuse-Rhine” o Q/A session |
11:00 | Coffee break |
11:15 | Seperation into 6 sub-working groups in different meeting rooms |
11:30 | Interactive industrial/scientist Prototype and Geology Working Groups led by the ET Technology Sheets Responsibles, with the participation of one ET2SMEs business developer per WG, based on the technologies requested by the Einstein Telescope. o Cryogenics – Vacuum o Precision mechanics and mechatronics – Optics & optical metrology o Mirrors coating – Lasers o Advanced control algorithms – Sensors o Geophysical imaging and remote sensing – Water technology o Simulation and modeling – Tunneling technology |
13:00 | Lunch in the 6 different meeting rooms |
14:00 | End of the ET IAB |
Feel safe
Gates wide open – with proof. Welcome to the Interface Entreprises – ULiège with full vaccination protection, recovery or negative test result from an official testing centre. Your proof is complete in combination with your identity card or passport.
The right timing. A negative PCR or rapid test must be no more than 48 hours old, the second vaccination at least 14 days ago, the positive PCR test result at recovery between 28 days and 6 months old. Done? Let´s go.
It all depends on the right apps. For fast, smooth entry, it‘s up to you too. Enter your proof of full vaccination, recovery or negative test in the apps Corona-Warn or CovPass.
By far the best idea. Though we ask you to maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 metres from other ET Industrial Advisory Board participants, you will still see the latest innovation up close and personal.
For everyone‘s protection. Please wear a medical mask, FFP2 or KN95/N95 mask (no visors or fabric masks). And although you might not be able to see it, we are smiling at you behind our masks.
Networking without physical contact. Even though you might be delighted at seeing other people again or closing a successful Science-to-Business or Business-to-Business collaboration – please forego shaking hands and physical contact.
“Bless you.” For the sake of yourself and others, please sneeze or cough into the crook of your arm. Even better, do so while maintaining a great distance of least one metre or turning away from others.
Effective infection protection. Sanitiser dispensers located in our entrance and meeting rooms are ready for frequent use. And highly exposed surfaces are regularly cleaned and disinfected for you.
Let it taste good. With our catering partners in the different meeting rooms: with tailor-made concepts for compliance with all safety and hygiene regulations. Enjoy your meal!